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Accreditation and certification

In 2007 Altamarea Beach Village won the Blue Flag, (certificate UNITER ISO 14001) from the F.E.E. a foundation which supports education and respect of the environment, and our bathing establishment is run in an ecological way, while having the best facilities and services on the Adriatic Riviera.

Separated rubbish collection, photovoltaic panels, solar energy, the recycling of shower water for irrigation, and with the participation of our guests through ecological initiatives such as ECOBEACHDAY.

Certificazione Uniter

The Altamarea Beach Village management has always supported the respect and safeguard of the environment and its carefully planned way of working is based on the following objectives:

Altamarea Beach Village is certified by UNITER and accredited by SINCERT

UNI EN ISO 14001: 2004 - CERTIFICATO n° 013


Altamarea Beach Village is equipped with a 3 kws of power photovoltaic panel system, which is able to produce clean electric energy.
There are also three solar panel systems used for heating the shower water.


Two shower-water recycling systems allow Altamarea Beach Village to re-use the water collected from the showers for irrigation and the rinsing of the toilet areas.


Alongside the internal walkway of the Altamarea Beach Village there are three ecological zones, which allow the differentiated collection of paper, plastic and cans to be carried out.